Purpose: The Workforce Investment Board shall have the following responsibilities:
Provide policy guidance in the development of the five-year local workforce investment plan(Local Plan) and provide oversight on the One-Stop system, youth activities and employment and training activities under Title I of WIA, in partnership with the chief elected official
Select One-Stop operators with the agreement of the chief elected official
Develop a budget for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the WIB, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors
In cooperation with the Board of Supervisors, appoint a youth council as a subgroup of the WIB and coordinate workforce and youth plans and activities with the youth council
Select eligible youth service providers based on the recommendations of the Youth Council, and identify eligible providers of adult and dislocated worker intensive services and training services , and maintain a list of eligible providers with performance and cost information, as required in 20 CFR part 663, subpart E
Negotiate and reach agreement on local performance measures with the Board of Supervisors and the Governor
Assist the Governor in developing the statewide employment statistics system under the Wagner-Peyser Act;
Coordinate workforce investment activities with economic development strategies and developing business linkages; and
Promote private sector involvement in the statewide workforce investment system through effective connecting, brokering, and coaching activities through intermediaries such as the One-Stop operator in the local area or through other organizations, to assist businesses in meeting hiring needs
Serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors on all matters relating to employment and Training not covered by Title I of the Workforce Investment Act
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