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Grants & Sponsorships

CID Applications

Community Improvement Designation (CID) Nonprofit Grant

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors established the CID fund grant program to support valuable services and projects addressing needs in communities across Riverside County. Funds should not be regarded as ongoing support; rather, they should be viewed as one-time or 'jumpstart' funding”. Only organizations and activities that directly benefit the residents of the Fifth District will be considered.

Example activities and organization operations that benefit residents include community projects related to providing information, education and/or supplies for arts, health, law enforcement, public safety, rehabilitation, welfare, legal services, and disability services.

Fifth District Grant Opportunities

To prevent delay, please ensure all fields are fully completed correctly and documents are attached.

Prior to submission, we require that the nonprofit agency applying for funding is registered and in good standing with the California State Department of Justice, California Secretary of State, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If the nonprofit does not meet these requirements, the application will be deemed ineligible for funding. Do not apply if your organization is delinquent, pending, or under any investigation.

If the nonprofit agency has received grant funding in the past, the agency must be current on evaluation forms. We will not approve a new request until all previous grant evaluation forms are submitted.

Due to limited funds and in line with other district and county offices, the maximum request per organization is $2,500.

Applying for CID funds does not ensure that the request will be granted.


Project Identification: Applicant identifies a community project or program that is free for residents and accessible to all community members. The organization must be in good standing with the Secretary of State (SOS) and Department of Justice (DOJ).

Application Submission: Applicant submits the application and necessary documents to [email protected]. Do not call or email our office to check the status. A member of our team will contact you with any questions or updates. If awarded, a staff member will notify you.

Initial Screening: District 5 intake staff screen applications to ensure the project is within district boundaries and meets legal requirements.

Interview Process: If recommended and funding is available, the District 5 Territory Manager interviews applicants to ensure the project or program aligns with District goals and services.

Chief of Staff Review: The Chief of Staff provides an initial recommendation.

Supervisor Recommendation: Supervisor Gutierrez makes his recommendation or selection.

Board Ratification: The Board of Supervisors ratifies the request.

Funding Distribution: The check is delivered by District staff or Supervisor Gutierrez.


The nonprofit agency agrees to follow the terms of the application, including utilizing the grant funds for the specified purpose and submitting the grant evaluation form no later than 30 days after funds have been exhausted.


To apply for this grant, please fill out and return the application below.

Please be reminded that our staff is diligently working to provide thorough service. We kindly request that you refrain from calling for updates on your application status. Rest assured, once there is an update on your nonprofit's funding application, we will promptly inform you.

Grant Application

CID Grant

If you receive a nonprofit grant, you must complete the grant evaluation form detailing the use of the awarded funds. Failure to submit the evaluation within 60 days of the utilization of the funds will disqualify future funding requests.

Grant Evaluation Form

About American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Supplemental CID

The County of Riverside has received funds through the Federal governments American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) to expedite the recovery from economic and public health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants will go to eligible nonprofit organizations that are providing direct assistance services and/or serving populations that are being disproportionally affected by the pandemic. Only nonprofits exempt from federal income taxation, as described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are eligible to receive ARPA funds. Please note: ARPA Supplemental CID differs from traditional CID funding.

American Rescue Plan (ARPA)